We’ll focus on running your website, so you can focus on running your business…
2 hours per month of maintenance and content updates
Monthly insight reports - we track the performance of your website and offer advice on how to reverse downward trends and capitalise on peaks
If Sonic Blue also provide your hosting package (advanced package upward), we will include the creation and management of a $100 Google Adword campaign at no cost to you (this is a one off launch incentive and is not an ongoing element of the management fee)
ADVANCED MANAGEMENT: £60 PER HOUR (£30 inc small business discount*)
Any additional maintenance resource required beyond the web management service
BLOG CREATION: £120 (£60 inc small business discount*)
You set the theme and we will write and design your article
Up to 1,000 words
Full licence on all photos, animations and other images
*Small business discount applies to any business with a turnover of under £85,000
**Small business discount applies to the first three months of the agreement only